This book starts with a timeline keeping track of how Detroit, the most encouraging city in the midwest once, steadily became less white. I phrase it that real way because my hypothesis is that under diversity, areas controlled by any minority group become run-down. We may call this the “apartment versus house” theory. When you own your home, you care for it; when you rent, you would be a moron to care, since anything you do will be undone anyway when someone boosts the rent or you get employment somewhere else. Minority groups in cities created by almost all group will never feel like anything but renters.
To them, they could claim the place, but it will never be something they created, so it will always be alien. This creates a mentality of neglect. In addition, Detroit hasn’t handled to do well using its black majority. As happens in other diverse cities like Houston and Baltimore, politics favors those of the minority-majority group, and white people suffer excessive taxation and loss of basic services. Detroit: The Unauthorized Autopsy Of America’s Bankrupt Black Metropolis makes good case for ending diversity because of the sheer amount of waste and misrule that goes on in black-run cities.
Of course, the same happens in Chinatowns and Hispanic-run cities too. Rather, it could said that reading one of the whole stories is appalling, but reading a collection of them with commentary, annotations, and relevant facts added is depressing. Despite the positive propaganda coming out of Detroit today, the populous city is doomed.
Even better, Kersey digs in the items that has been storage explained or holed away, and drags out every little gory and terrible detail, creating some sort of atmosphere of misery at the failure of the once-promising city. We humans are natural lottery players, so whenever we read about a higher rate of crime, we instinctively assume you won’t be us.
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The pages of the reserve take us in to the lives of several people and communities who thought it could not be them, but were mistaken. If anything can be said on the negative part, it could be that book is depressing completely. No-one wins. Black people reside in squalor, poverty, and crime; white people abandon a encouraging place and leave it to become a museum of failure.
Even more, the deadlock triggered by variety rears its unsightly head. No real matter what rhetoric, each tribe is perfect for itself away, plus they have identified one another as the foe, regardless of the broader question of whether diversity itself – an intangible, abstract notion made into policy – is the true foe. In the brief span of great-grandfather’s life, man went from a brief flight in Kitty Hawk to stepping on the moon, only to see a huge black hand grab him at the ankle.
Pulling him back down to earth. Every time I fly, I marvel at the little bit of machinery I’m climbing about, tomorrow knowing it is the culmination of man’s dreams for a better. Knowing it represents the type of evolutionary breakthrough that once heralded true progress. It is only once I land, arriving at my destination, that I’m reminded a giant dark hands is strongly grasping the ankle joint of mankind still.